File "wpskeys.txt"
Path: /os2/info/tips/wpskeys.txt
File size: 13.52 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8
OS/2 Workplace Shell Keys 08/16/92
If you have any additions, changes, comments, or suggestions, please send
them via CompuServe mail to Robert Simpson, CompuServe ID 71520,737.
Startup Tasks:
Alt+F1 Restore default desktop
Ctrl+Shift+F1 Inhibit auto-start features
OS/2 Command Line Tasks (with KEYS ON):
Esc Clear command line
Home Move cursor to first character in command line
End Move cursor to last character in command line
Ins[ert] Turn on insert mode
Del[ete] Delete character above cursor
left arrow Move cursor one character to left
right arrow Move cursor one character to right
up arrow Display previous command in queue
down arrow Display next command in queue
Ctrl+left arrow Move cursor back to first character of a word
Ctrl+right arrow Move cursor to first character of next word
Ctrl+Home Deletes all characters to the left of cursor
Ctrl+End Deletes all characters from cursor to the end
of the command line
Enter Executes the command on the command line
DOS Command Line Tasks (with DOSKEY):
up arrow Recalls the previous command in the queue
down arrow Recalls the next command in the queue
Page Up Recalls the first command in the queue
Page Down Recalls the most recent command
left arrow Move cursor one character to left
right arrow Move cursor one character to right
Ctrl+left arrow Move cursor back to first character of a word
Ctrl+right arrow Move cursor to first character of next word
Home Move cursor to first character in command line
End Move cursor to last character in command line
Esc Clear command line
F7 Displays commands in queue
Alt+F7 Deletes all commands from queue
chars F8 Display previous command in queue which starts
with "chars"
F9 cmd# Displays the command specified by "cmd#"
Alt+F10 Deletes all macro definitions
DOSKEY parameters:
/M Display macros which are currently defined
/H Display recently used commands
Special characters for DOSKEY macros:
$G or $g >
$G$G or $g$g >>
$L or $l <
$B or $b |
$T or $t Terminates the command (like Enter)
$$ $
$1 through $9 parameters
$* all parameters on the command line
DOS Command Line Tasks:
F1 Copies one character from the template to the
command line
F2 char Copies characters prior to the next occurrence
of "char"
from the template to the command line
F3 Copies the remaining characters from the
template to the command line
F4 char Skips characters prior to the next occurrence
of "char" in the template
F5 Copies the current command line to the template
without executing it and clears the command line
F6 Places and end-of-file character (Ctrl+Z) at
the cursor position in the current command line
System Tasks:
Alt+Tab Switch to next window on desktop
Alt+Esc Switch to next window or full screen session
Ctrl+Esc Display the Window List
F1 Get help
Alt+Shift+Tab Switch to desktop
Ctrl+Alt+Del Restart the system
Ctrl+Alt+NumLock(twice) Dump system to diskette in A: drive
(need diskettes created with CREATEDD command)
Desktop Tasks:
arrow keys Move among objects on desktop
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O Display beach scene with credits
when the desktop is active and no objects are selected:
Shift+F10 Display the pop-up menu for the desktop
Print Screen Print the screen
Window Tasks:
Tab Move to next area in window
Shift+Tab Move to previous area in window
F10 or Alt Activate menu bar
Shift+F10 Display the pop-up menu for the window
Alt+Space Display cacaded menu for window functions
or Shift+Esc in pop-up menu for window
Alt+F4 Close window
Alt+F5 Restore window to normal size
Alt+F7 Move window
Use arrow keys to move window
Press Enter when it is in the desired position
Alt+F8 Size window
- Press left or right arrow key to indicate
which side to adjust
- Adjust width with left and right arrow keys
- Press up or down arrow key to indicate
whether to adjust top or bottom
- Adjust height with up and down arrow keys
- Press Enter when it is the desired size
Alt+F9 Minimize window
Alt+F10 Maximize window
Alt+F11 Hide window
Alt+Home Switch between DOS full screen and window mode
Alt+Ins[ert] Create a new object and place it in the
when no objects are selected:
Shift+F10 Display help about using help
Icon View Window Tasks:
arrow keys Move among objects in the window
Text Window Tasks:
Tab Insert tab character and move cursor to next
tab location
Alt+Backspace Undo
Shift+Del[ete] Cut
Ctrl+Ins[ert] Copy
Shift+Ins[ert] Paste
Del[ete] Clear
Ctrl+F Find
Ctrl+right arrow Move cursor to beginning of next word
Ctrl+left arrow Move cursor to beginning of previous word
see also Text Field Tasks
Help Window Tasks:
Esc Return to the previous help window or remove
the initial help window
Tab Move the cursor to the next highlighted word
or phrase
Shift+Tab Move the cursor to the previous highlight word
or phrase
F1 Display help for the help window
F2 Display help for the object or window for
which help was initially displayed
F6 Move the cursor to and from buttons in the
same window
F7 Move the cursor to and from buttons in a
different window
F9 Display keys help
Shift+F10 Display help about using help
F11 or Shift+F1 Display the help index
F12 or Shift+F2 Display the tutorial
Alt+F6 Switch between the help window and the object
or window for which help was displayed
Ctrl+A Copy the topic and add it to the end of a
temporary file
Ctrl+C Display the help table of contents
Ctrl+F Copy the topic to a temporary file
Ctrl+L Display a list of libraries that contain help
Ctrl+N Open a new help window
Ctrl+S Search for a word or phrase
Ctrl+Ins[ert] Copy the topic to the clipboard
Information Presentation Facility (IPF) Window Tasks:
Ctrl+F4 Close pane
Ctrl+F5 Restore pane to normal size
Ctrl+F7 Move pane
- Use arrow keys to move pane
- Press Enter when it is in the desired
Ctrl+F8 Size pane
- Press left or right arrow key to indicate
which side to adjust
- Adjust width with left and right arrow keys
- Press up or down arrow key to indicate
whether to adjust top or bottom
- Adjust height with up and down arrow keys
- Press Enter when it is the desired size
Ctrl+F9 Minimize pane
Ctrl+F10 Maximize pane
IPF Contents Window Tasks:
+ Expand one level
* Expand branch
Ctrl+* Expand all branches
- Collapse branch
Ctrl+- Collapse all branches
Ctrl+C Contents
Ctrl+I Index
Ctrl+H Viewed pages
Ctrl+L Libraries
Object Tasks:
Space Bar Select or deselect the object
Ctrl+/ Select all objects
Ctrl+\ Deselect all objects
letter keys Select next object starting with given letter
Shift+F8 Begin and end selecting multiple objects
Shift+F10 Display pop-up menu for a selected object
Enter Open a selected object
Menu Tasks:
Home Select first choice
End Select last choice
up arrow Move to previous choice
down arrow Move to next choice
right arrow Show cascaded menu (when there is an arrow
button on the selected choice)
left arrow Hide cascaded menu
letter keys Select choice with that letter underlined
F10 or Alt Close menu and return to window
Button Tasks:
Space Bar Push the button with the cursor box
Enter Push the highlighted button
Text Field Tasks:
Home Go to beginning of current line
End Go to end of current line
Del[ete] Delete character to right of cursor
Backspace Delete character to left of cursor
Ctrl+Home Go to beginning of first line
Ctrl+End Go to end of last line
Page Up Scroll up one page
Page Down Scroll down one page
Ctrl+Page Up Scroll left one page
Ctrl+Page Down Scroll right one page
Shift+(any) Select text
Numeric Field Tasks:
Page Up Increase value
Page Down Decrease value
Hidden List Field Tasks:
Alt+down arrow Display hidden list
Scrollable List Tasks:
Home Select first item in list
End Select last item in list
F7 or Page Up Scroll up one page
F8 or Page Down Scroll down one page
Ctrl+Page Up Scroll left one page
Ctrl+Page Down Scroll right one page
Notebook Tasks:
Alt+up arrow Move to notebook tab
Alt+down arrow Move to notebook page
when selected field is not an input field:
Alt+Page Up Go to previous page in notebook
Alt+Page Down Go to next page in notebook
when selected field is not an input field or scrollable list:
Home Go to first page in notebook
End Go to last page in notebook
Page up Go to previous page in notebook
Page down Go to next page in notebook
Notebook Tab Tasks:
Space Bar Display the selected page
DOS Session Tasks:
Ctrl+Alt+PrtSc Release parallel port
This can be used to avoid a SYS1799 error when
attempting to run multiple copies of a DOS
application which uses a dongle (hardware
security key) on the parallel port.